"First Option is professional, reliable, and always provided solutions that met our business critical needs. Their staff is outstanding and worth every penny we paid them."
Using a strong development process First Option manages each unique project from concept through follow-up support for a seamless implementation. This process is flexible enough to accommodate any level of participation by customer staff based on available time and skills of those client resources.
First Option hosting solutions provides a secure and reliable environment to install and execute your application. We also provide world class professional services to maintain and enhance your existing software. You can choose the level of service that best suits your business requirements.
First Option is proud to offer three subscription fee based accounting software products managed in the Cloud. Our fully integrated financial application suite is supported by an on-line help desk that provides over 200 knowledge base items, manuals, and video based training which is accessible 24/7.
IBM i Watchdog by First Option is a an IBM i (iSeries, AS 400) monitoring solution that provides centralized management via a user friendly interface for key system health threshold alert definitions, day, time and duration to suspend monitoring to accommodate scheduled maintenance, customized email groups for
First Option is a software development company with a passion for solving critical business needs. For the past 20 years we have hosted, developed, modernized, integrated, and interfaced software to meet cross industry core business requirements... We are the developers of IBM i Watchdog by First Option, the owners of First Option Financial Suite (formerly Daprex), and the consultants that have integrated third party packages ranging from warehouse distribution to EDI.
IBM i Watchdog by First Option is an affordable, easy to install, and feature rich product. We have been able to add additional clients/Servers without increasing staff to manage the new systems.
First Option has helped FGX International successfully integrate 3rd party EDI and shipping applications with our ERP system on the IBM i. We have had a relationship with First Option for over 15 years.
Please provide an overview of your business requirements. If you are requesting an initial hosting assessment, please provide number of users, DASD, and type of environment (e.g. shared or hosting.) If requesting IT services, please provide type of application and functional description of business requirement. If requesting info on cloud accounting let us know which modules you are interested in.
Happy New Year from your iSeries Software and Support Partner! All of us at First Option want to thank you for your business, loyalty, and sup
Happy Holidays Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a new year of peace and happiness from all of us at First Option!
iSeries Monitoring Software Watchdog by First Option is an iSeries monitoring software solution that provides centralized management via a user frie