It’s hard to believe that the summer is over and upgrade season is upon us! As part of the First Option’s (FOI) webinar, I discussed that FOI will be implementing a new upgrade/PTF process. Our intention is to provide a command that can detect that an upgrade/PTF is required, send the upgrade/PTF to the customer iSeries, and email upgrade instructions.
After a detailed review of the Daprex upgrade/PTF process, the rollout requires that we complete two tasks. The first is to get all existing customers on the latest version of the application software using the old upgrade method. You should have already been contacted by the help desk to schedule an installation date. If not, please send an email to
foiappsupport@localhost . The second is to install two new libraries and a new folder in the IFS for the new upgrade/ PTF java programs. There is a minimum operating system requirement of V5R4 and Java Developer Kit 5.0 license program. Both of these tasks will be completed in this upgrade and the first customer installation should be completed in early September!
As with any software upgrade, the number of non DAPREX customer created programs can impact the cost of your upgrade implementation. In some cases, it may be more cost effective to determine the nature of the customer created programs and if there is an opportunity to use the base functionality. If you would like First Option to provide this type of analysis, please contact the help desk and we will provide a quote for the effort.