Your IBM i administrator/programmer has just announced retirement. She is a 30 year veteran that performs your backups, server management, and knows your application. She is also a key player in your Disaster Recovery plan. This will be a very hard person to replace.
Based on the capital outlay and terms available for cloud services an IBM i Power Cloud solution makes sense. It also works well with your future DR plans.
But, Are all IBM i Cloud hosting provider's the same?
The answer is No.
Each IBM i Cloud Hosting provider has their unique offerings and specialties. Some offer Tier levels so you may get in at different price points. Some are hardware vendors only and some are software providers as well. Each data center will be different and you want to pick a vendor that matches your particular needs and requirements. Pricing varies as well so make sure you are comparing apples to apples when looking at a quote. For example, number of interactive users, amount of disk, VPNs, and 24x7 monitoring.
How often will backups be done, will they apply ptfs, do they utilize monitoring software in addition to a 24x7 NOC. What type of processor and how much memory will be available for your company?
Stay tuned for our next post regarding helpful tips on how to find the right IBM i Hosting Provider for your business needs.
If you have any questions or would like some additional information please email tfuller@localhost.